Welcome to BST HIKES

Discover Your Trail Adventure

Welcome to the home of BST HIKES, where fitness meets the great outdoors. Choose from our unique trail experiences and turn your hike into a rewarding fitness adventure.

Our Trail Programs


Step 1

Click Hikes and choose the one on which you'd like to embark for your exercise challenge.

Hiking and Exercising program

Step 2

Select the exercise difficulty level - Easy, Medium, or Hard.

Hiking and Exercising program

Step 3

Start your hike by getting navigated to the first exercise location.

Hiking and Exercising program

Step 4

Complete all 5 exercise stations - while returning to the starting point on the hike.

Hiking and Exercising program

Step 5

Receive and redeem a reward voucher from our partner.

Join the Adventure

Ready to start ? Just select your hike and embark on a fitness journey like no other. Whether you're hiking through nature, exploring near your hotel, or turning a shopping trip into an exercise opportunity, BST HIKES offers something for everyone.

Stay Connected

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates and community stories!

Note: All trails are designed for inclusivity and cater to various fitness levels.